
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The impact( positive and negative) on the customer relationship Essay

The impact( positive and negative) on the client human relationship management in the hospitality and tourism - Essay Example221) stated that CRM has many definitions depending on different people and their industry and in most cases it is alike referred to as relationship merchandise. CRM apprise be defined as a marketing method that allows a company or an organization to use up its available resources to establish a lasting relationship with customers, and then gaining a competitive advantage compared to its competitors (Mohammed & Rashid 2012, p.221). It derriere also be defined as a method of retaining clients using after sales strategies. CRM, if aright implemented, can be suitable for the hospitality and tourism industry considering that hotels and other industry players get divide of information regarding their clients. An effective CRM programme should ensure that the customers get the best experience, decrease management cost, source untried customers and increase profitability (Sotoudeh 2006, p.1). This paper will critically look atthe impact of the customer relationship management in the hospitality and tourism. Advantages Marketing CRM is an activity that helps to source for customers and retaining them (Ku 2010, p. 1085). CRM focuses more on retaining existing customers for repurchase than recruiting new customers as well as increasing client base through referrals from the existing clients. In most cases, companies use the available resources such as the employees, technologies and their databases to set up this system. These methods are cheaper than advertising and marketing to new customers. It ensures that the company grows their customer from the existing customer base. CRM can also help to indentify the lost customers or those that are almost moving out, to ensure they are won back. Long lasting relationship also helps to minimize the effects of the competition through word of mouth by their customers. They benefit financially coll ectable to a lower marketing cost. Ensuring Customer Satisfaction Customers should get value for their money from the services gainful for. Repeat customers feel attached to the service providers and thus are able to bond with companies employees. The existing database can be analysed by the company to improve the services offered. In the hospitality sector, there is direct interaction between the company or its employees and the customers as they deliver their services. Proper interaction helps service providers understand their customers and thus help them beat proper plans that suit the customers needs. Having a direct interaction helps to develop trust between the involved parties. According to the study by Hashem (2012, p. 132) in Jordan, most hotels that use CRM has higher(prenominal) customer satisfaction. Relationship marketing together with CRM translates to repeat customers and customer loyalty (Shirazi & Som 2011, p. 82). Increase in tax income Well designed CRM shoul d help a firm reduce cost and increase revenue by enhancing client loyalty. It helps to put together information from within and without the organization. This information can be used by the company to understand the market trends and specific customers needs. CRM helps to ensure customer satisfaction and, therefore, long term relationship. confederations personnel interact directly with the consumers and their actions impact directly the customers (Kattara et al. 2008, p. 310). Good service by the employees leads to

The view that powerful elites generate fear does not adequately Essay

The view that powerful elites buzz off fear does non adequately develop the complexities within the news reporting of support in Britain. Discuss - Essay ExampleAfrican countries ar affected by real epidemic, and the epicenter of the world most dangerous disease is located in Sahara Desert region where a half of population of the world is living at the moment. This information does not seem shocking for anyone in the world anymore because AIDS was covered in media substantially and efficaciously since the time of its discovery. It is rise-known that a frightening and repulsive image of AIDS was created with the help of accurate metaphors and definitions (Cullen, 2003). Nevertheless, the move if the image of AIDS was constructed adequately to the severity of the epidemic or media has spread certain panic among readers be actual and urgent, and Britain represents a particular interest for this study because real epidemic has never reached the island. The UK as well as many ot her countries of the world faces the complexities within the news reporting of AIDS, and the fact that powerful elites generate fear does not adequately explain them. In order to examine this question newsroom practices in Britain on reporting were studies closely.First of all it is necessary to outline the history of the disease, its symptoms and consequences to understand how media should cover AIDS/human immunodeficiency virus to create normal feedback from its auditory. UNESCO states that media as well as medical institutions and common people have to sire to reduce the quantity of people contracting HIV and relieve moral and physical pressure of those who are fighting with the disease. This is an established ethical principle when dealing with HIV and AIDS (Foreman, 2003). The first reporting of AIDS by media goes back to 1982 when several alarming articles were published in different American medical journals sex act about this unknown mysterious disease. Much concern was ex pressed about it already due to blue mortality of young healthy individuals and it was defined as threating and dangerous for public. But nobody could even judge the degree of panic the

Monday, April 29, 2019

Blowback by Chalmers Johnson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Blowback by Chalmers Johnson - Essay ExampleHowever, Chalmers regretted the political awakening of the United States after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. He notes that instead of the Unites States demobilizing its abnegation forces, it accelerated its reliance on military trading operations for solving its economic and political problems. The result of this militarism as evident in the actual domestic defense is increased terrorism against the State and its close allies. It has resulted to the loss of core democratic values at home. It has get the cause of actual disaster for the the States economy. This task looks at the authors main arguments in the Blowback and the information he uses to convince his readers on his position. It covers what Blowback covers well in my opinion and the portions of the serial I believe are misplaced and misleading. In addition, the assignment uncovers some elements of style the author uses to mother his work. It looks at the rationale of the writers main argument and dissects the logic and clarity of his argument.Chalmers supports the notion that America is hated around the world. He supports this by purporting that the concept of blowback means more than retaliation against the things the American authorities has done in and to foreign countries. The concept refers to retaliation against several other illegal operations the country has carried out abroad. The operations have been kept secret from the public. This implies that when the retaliations come as it did in 9/11, the American public is often unaware and cannot place the events in context. Therefore, the public tends to support all acts that the government places to lash out against the perpetrators. This prepares grounds for further blowbacks, as the American public joins the enmity created by its airless government.Supporting the idea of enmity of the American society perpetrated by the militarization, Chalmers gives an example of the Okinawa Military Base in

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop - Research Paper ExampleAlthough the main section in the poem is a seek, the situations described therein are non only applicable to the fish itself but is reflective of the struggles of common human beings. Therefore, the discussions in this paper will be dealing with the literary devices used in the poem as well as their relations to the poet. Elizabeth Bishop clearly describes the fish in her poem and brings her readers to think ab forbidden common things in life observed everyday as a way of bringing connections from the fish to the reader. She brings out common observances as a way of saying, This is non apparently a talk about a fish but this is likewise about us. number 1 and foremost, the author calls the attention of her readers to the tremendous fish that she caught by describing how the fish hung from her hook, looking battered and venerable and spare. In real life, there are so many people with such situations- people who involve been through a lot of troubled times but by overcoming, they have gained a safe status. The word homely expresses the thought of the poet of this circumstance as a common predicament and not an ridiculous situation and therefore, makes a common ground for the fish and the reader. Early in life, Bishop experienced several troubles herself and was introduced to the words struggles, trials, tests, grief, disappointments and many other difficulties even when she was still unable to understand words. While she was merely octonary months old, Bishops father died from a disease he has been suffering for six years. This became the start of her troubled life because although her sustain was a respectable woman, she was greatly distressed with the death of her husband which led her to get in and out of the mental hospital for the rest of her life (harvardsquarelibrary.org, Miller). As a result, Bishop had a short-lived relationship with her aim because she eventually died when the poet was but five years old. Nevertheless, she tells of memories about her mother such as the boat urge on they had when she was around three years old wherein one of the live swans bit her mothers riff when she tried to give it some peanuts. On another occasion, she picked up a womans depressed cotton stocking which represents an intimate clothing and she was reprimanded of her curiosity by her mother. As a result, she became indignant of her mother and did not have such a good relationship from then on (Miller). From the accounts above, it is clear that even at a young age, Bishop has been through tough times and she sees herself in the fish but as mentioned earlier, she also sees other peoples lives in the fish. She then describes the physical appearance of the fish, commenting on its skin. Bishop uses simile not only to give a vivid description but also to bring the reader from the context where the speaker is fishing to the world beyond it where other people are living. Similes such as his dark-brown skin hung like strips, like ancient wallpaper and like full blown roses give discolour to the images presented and make the fish an interesting character contrary to what really happens in daily life. Such commons and vivid descriptions come together as attractions to the reader to consider what the poet is saying. Sure

Saturday, April 27, 2019

SEE Business Services Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

SEE Business Services - Literature review ExampleHowever, various factors might outgrowth to this kind of scenario. For instance, the ever-changing business environment go forth push many business people and entrepreneurs to desire more tuition on how they can utilize the business opportunity effectively. Because of this, the rank and file will sum up because one of the objectives of the organization is to develop members. Additionally, the members have a forum to share their experiences and educate each new(prenominal) on various business and entrepreneurial ventures. some other major cause of increase in membership is favorable business environment that will encourage business hence the need for people to wed the organization in lay to gain knowledge. The driving force for this is that the organization provides an environment of sharing amid members. Moreover, the organization encourages and celebrates outstanding business practices. Similarly, a favorable business envir onment will address to an change magnitude number of businesses and as a result, more people would regard to join the organization in order to benefit and improve their business (Franz & Huemer 2007, p.6). Consequently, a favorable business environment will also lead to an increased number of entrepreneurs hence increasing the number of people who want to join the organization. ... Furthermore, the organization is bridging an information gap that exists in the market hence many want to join and benefit from the services that it offers. Another reason for the sharp increase in the number of people wanting to join the organization is the fewer number of organization that offer similar services. These are some of the courses for the increasing number of people that want to become members of the organization. However, for the organization to manage this increase effectively without negatively affecting the value of services it provides then it needs to develop smaller business deve lopment teams at the regional level that will multitude with all the needs and concerns of members. These business development teams will perform a similar function as those in the bearing office in order to, effectively, manage the rising number of members without having a breakdown. However, they will not be in a position to make decisions. The management of the organization will be the sole custodians of all rights and privileges. Additionally, these development teams will work as the head office directs. 2.0 Change Facilitation (a) pierce Field Analysis Diagram +10 +5 0 -5 -10 The size of the arrow signifies strength i.e. the protracted the arrow the stronger the force the shorter the arrow the weaker the force (Harris, 2002, p. 20). However, looking at the Field Force Analysis Diagram, in that location are several forces that the organization is facing. These forces are from all involved parties in the organization. For instance, the regional officers are advocating for decentralisation in the organization so that more members can get services closer to them and faster than when the head office

Friday, April 26, 2019

HRM Of Bloomberg.Com Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

HRM Of Bloomberg.Com - Case Study ExampleIn spite of such diversity, a large proportion of work in the manufacturing industries too relates services. (Hoque 1999b). While valet resources management as a concept attracted a lot of attention as a more(prenominal) effective and productive approach to managing organizations key assets, its people, there have been differences of opinion as to whether it is industrial relations management-personnel management (IR & PR) freshly packaged or a totally different discip disembowel aimed at integrating the management of people into overall business strategy and organizational goals (Poole, 1990 Salamon, 1987 Storey, 1995b cited in Mc Gunnigle 2000). common chord models of HRM have been suggested normative (prescriptive of an ideal approach) descriptive (identifying developments and practice in the field) and conceptual (a model for classification). (Storey 1992 cited in Mc Gunnigle 2000). In the normative model HRM has a team development orie ntation, a significant role for line managers and seeks to develop an organizational culture. The conceptual model differs widely from IR-PR with as many as 27 differences listed. All researchers however agree that employee commitment is not only the dominant aspect of HRM but that it is the main(prenominal) differentiator between HRM and IR-PR. (Storey 1992 and Guest 1995 cited in Mc Gunnigle 2000).The objective of benignant resource m... Stretch, in this context of use refers to additional productivity, effective contributions and taking part in continuing improvement processes. The net effect of this would be self-motivated employees, less need for supervision necessitating fewer levels of management and reduced overheads. In addition when organisations achieve a congruence of perceived interests with employees, they are less likely to be viewed with suspicion when they undertake any changes infallible to meet environmental needs. Workforce in such organizations will be will ing to swap roles (multi-tasking) that assistance them in more effective utilisation of labour. (Guest 1987 and Beer et al., 1985 cited in Hoque 1999a, 8)The most compelling reason for carefully crafting human resources management practices in services industries, is that in the service industries, the customer is not only a receiver of the service but also a part of the service process. This is the reason why there has been a break in human resource management practices with service firms pursuing strategies that feature greater customer orientation. There is an increased awareness in the service firms that it is critical to obtain customer-oriented behaviours from their employees, a decided shift from the past. In order to achieve these outcomes, service firms are utilizing their human resource practices to stimulate and reinforce behaviours call for for the successful implementation of greater customer-oriented strategies. HRM practices such as design, staffing, performance appraisal, compensation and training and development are shaped by organisational conditions, such as strategy, organisational life cycle stage, technological change, unionisation, internal labour markets and whether or not

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Academic Honesty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Academic Honesty - screwingvass ExampleA society that lacks the basic moral value of honesty is weak and prevalent to honorable decay and disease. Academic honesty is a cornerstone of the development and attainment of familiarity, it is a very master(prenominal) element of a students life, as the Integrity and honesty learned at the donnish level leads the students into comely responsible citizens with a core of justice and integrity leading to just and passably nation. A dishonest student on the other hand becomes an unreliable individual, creating chaos and disorder in societyThe Centre for Academic Integrity (1999) indicates that Higher education and society benefit when colleges and universities have standards of schoolman integrity that permits a foundation for a vibrant academic life, promote scientific progress, and prepare students for becoming responsible citizens Therefore the concept of education is not just to impart knowledge, but also to provide moral values so that a conscientious society can be created.Academic fraud mocks the students quest for knowledge and hampers educator from accurately assessing the individual talents and accomplishments of their students. It is very important that all students and mentors respect the integrity of one anothers work and recognize the importance of recognizing and safeguarding intellectual property so that academic honesty can be upheld.Individual integrity is vital to the academic environment because education involves the search for and acquisition of knowledge and understanding, which are, in themselves, intangible. Evaluation of each students level of knowledge and understanding is a vital. interpreter of the teaching process and requires tangible measures such as reports, examination, and homework. Any put to work that interferes with the process of evaluation, misrepresentation of the affinity between the work being evaluated, or the resulting evaluation, and the students actual state of k nowledge is an act of

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

On DVD1 clip 7.5 you hear Devyani Sharma talking about her study of Essay

On videodisk1 press cutting 7.5 you find Devyani Sharma talking close her study of variation and change in London Punjabi English, and in clip - quiz ExamplePodesva on the other hand studies a gay medical student in clip 7.6 with contained extracts from the interview. Podesva discussed how to pronounce different consonant sounds. He focused on falsetto speech in his look project through the telephone that produced a low quality of sound as compargond to Devyanis clip. Devyani Sharma DVD 1 Clip 7.5 Focusing on certain linguistic aspect such as repeat /t/ as meters of social changes, Devyani expect individuals born in Britain would not use the pronunciation as Indian verbalisers in the back contemporaries. The slight difference is noticed among the old and the younger generation in addition to male and female speaker units. She urges that, individuals lifestyle should be included in the information even if they are narrow-minded or do more of their interactions out of the c ommunity. This will enable them understand the relative coordination compound patterning of their language. This is because the linguistic variables are important in the use of the language to the culture of the Punjabi in association with the bend /t/ (Horacek 2010, p. 91). The pronunciation of retroflex /t/ in the South Asian was as a consonant just as in the Punjabi language spoken in Asia. The tip of the tongue curls back and touches the ridges of the tooth fundament the teeth. 35percent of the speakers of the first generation according to Devyani used a stereotyped English of Apu who were the Indian immigrants in the Simpsons. 16percent of the second generation used less of this retroflex in their speech. Since language is believed to be changing with time, the gradual make took place due to the families immigration hence children acquire it through the lineage (Lieberson and Kloss 1966a, p. 66 1967, p.79). This second generation tends to use the retroflex more often as com pared to their parents in the recent research for example in beginning of a word as seen in tea and toffee. This is because of phonetic quality that requires the word to be pronounced with energy to give its real pronunciation. Podesva Podesva Clip 7.6 He focused on individual speaker style of speaking. He had much interest on falsetto as an aspect of differentiating gays speech sounds. He later extended the research to the social group hence associating it with the way they speak. His picky attention is tense on how falsetto varies and contrast across social meanings of falsetto and how these specific features of the speakers conference in communication may be pinched from the identity. In the clip 7.6, he closes the interview with example that illustrates heathland use of falsetto. Eliza whom he talks to is not clear since background voices interferes with the conversation (Journal of sociolinguistics. 2008, p. 13). The conversation according to Podesvas interview runs offset to audience expectations of what would be speech of heterosexual while since the speech creates Heaths personality where Podesva has employed the use of the word dear as expression. Heath No you want me to do anything, dear? Eliza No just to stay and be pretty. Heath (Laughter) you sack out thats my job. Eliza Yeah Heath Oh, cool. I like it I am so excited about your lilliputian vent thing. Eliza I know. Isnt it awesome? Its such a cute little outfit Heath it is. I really like it. (Podesva 2007. vol. 11, no.4, p.504.) The phonetic height created from Podesvas analysis expresses the resourcefulness harness served by falsetto in the persona identity. From the conversation citation, the persona

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Museums are Catalysts for Regeneration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Museums atomic number 18 Catalysts for Regeneration - Essay ExampleBut soon, even animal hides, instruments, portraits and sculptures were also displayed.The Greeks then widened the scope of objects displayed in a museum by exhibiting not only statues and paintings but also jewelries, glasses, vases, pottery and ornaments which they offered to their gods. These were however, transported to Rome when the Romans ransacked Greece. gum olibanum began the Romans romance with works of graphics. Then Roman temples, palaces and private villas were adorned with these (Alexander 2008, p.4).Japan and China were not leftfield behind in this cultural activity because even before 1000 AD works of art were already manifested in their temples and palaces. It is worthwhile to mention that in Nara City, Japan many of these had been preserved.vanguard for the reposing of important manuscripts, saints relics, statues, paintings and jewelries. feudalistic nobles, coming from the crusades in the Near East, carried with them spoils of war with beauty and added these to their private collections. But museums reached unparalleled importance during the maturate of the Renaissance. The Medici family of Florence, collected the most enviable art treasures ever gathered which they ensconced in their palaces. Later these were transferred to the Vatican and made a part of the Papal collection. Then the Uffizi Gallery in Florence was made the repository of the Medici collection (Bennett 1995, p.27).The outset nifty public museum is the Louvre Museum in Paris, which at that time was basically composed of royal collections of King Francis I. For the first time, a museum was opened to the public in 1793. When the Age of Enlightenment came, more museums were opened for public viewing. close to of these were the British Museum, the Berlin Gallery, the Prado in Madrid and the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg (Steffensen 1998, p.13).

Monday, April 22, 2019

Business Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Business Law - human face Study ExampleDuring the exam, Grothe asked Eelbode to do an exercise and during it Eelbode experienced immediate sharp and burning pain in his lower back and down the back of his right leg. Consequently, Eelbode filed a suit in a upper-case letter state flirt against Grothe and Chec, claiming that he was injured because of an improperly administered back torso strength test. Based on the exculpatory document signed by Eelbode, Grothe and Chec filed a motion for summary judgment. The issue is whether the court should set apart the motion and consider the exculpatory article valid.RULE An adhesion contract is a legally backbone contract, presented by one party to the other in a standardized form which contains articles written only if by one party, without them being properly pull offd with the other party. This is the result of unequal bargaining power and causes inequitable consequences to the adhering party.APPLICATION The agreement signed between No rbert Eelbode and Grothe and Chec is an adhesion contract which did not offer Norbert the opportunity to negotiate its articles. Norbert did not excite a choice to sign or not to sign the exculpatory clause as he needed to pass the medical exam in order to get a job at Travelers Inn. Therefore, he was forced by the circumstances to sign the contract. Agreeing to that clause would not have been a problem if the physical injuries suffered by Norbert would not have occurred during the improper strength test. The exculpatory clause signed by Norbert actually forced him to give up any legal method of protect his rights and repairing the suffered damages. This is unfair to Norbert, and, therefore, the agreement signed by him and Grothe and Chec is an adhesive one and should not be enforced.CONCLUSION The court should consider the agreement signed by Norbert Eelbode an adhesive one and should not enforce it. Therefore, the exculpatory clause should not be considered

Construction law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Construction law - experiment ExampleTherefore, Anglo synergy Solution is committed at conscripting conceptualize ideal procurement process that leave alone be incomparable and acceptable to all.In the Mzansi Rail Shuttle project, the major stakeholders are Sandline Ventures with which has committed an coronation of USD 120 billion, South African government and AUM Ventures. Sandline Ventures, the South African government and AUM Ventures expect a clear on their investments. Hence, they must obtain the best procurement deal that will guarantee them high returns.Anglo Synergy Solution recommends that the Mzansi Rail Shuttle project should be procured by first ensuring that the authentic and fair competitions hold up in responded to Prior Information Notice (PIN). Section 26(4A) of the railway Act, 1993, stipulate that advertisement should be do in both in the country and in the international journal, trade newspapers and other publication as this will eliminate political biases hence uplifting competency to handle the project (Crocker et al., 2010). It is very pregnant to open-up communal procurement market as this will promoteEqual treatment- contracting authority must handle both potential and authentic tenderers fairly without prejudice. Contracting authority when stipulating requirement must parry brand names which would eliminate particular providers, function and products.Transparency- advertising Prior Information Notice is telephone exchange in establishing and encouraging transparency (Ldre et al., 2006). It creates awareness of the condition for participation, selection criteria and the reason why some individuals were companies were non selected.Anglo Synergy Solution recommends AUM and Sandaline companies sponsoring the project to adjust the time restriction as time is an essential factor. railway line construction law does not specify duration for the accomplishment of the work by the contractors. The provision of services by contract is guided by

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Louisiana Purchase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

lanthanum Purchase - analyze ExampleWith the power of France and Napoleon Bonaparte continually rising, Spain signed with France into the Treaty of San Ildefonso which included ceding lanthanum back to France. President Thomas Jefferson grew wary of protecting the interests in sensitive Orleans and the Mississippi as the previous treaty with Spain is in the brink of being revoked. He actively sought to obtain New Orleans and authorized $10 million for its purchase. Luckily, Napoleons interest in the Americas was thwarted and he settled his eyes on Europe. Bonaparte sent Talleyrand and Barbe-Marbois who negotiated with Robert Livingston and James Monroe in 1803 for the purchase of the entire Louisiana for $15 million (The Museum Gazette).This was an important milestone in United States history and highlighted the presidency of Jefferson. Louisiana duplicate the size of the United States literally overnight, without a war or the loss of a single American life, and set a precedent for the purchase of territory (The Museum Gazette). This became a precedent for the possibility of acquiring territories non only within the continent but including the Pacific. The purchase had oppositions, mainly coming from New England Federalists who felt they were losing grips of their exercise because of the expansion. Nevertheless, it was considered as one of the greatest bargains in real estate considering the vastness and size of Louisiana in proportion to its purchase value (Sage

Saturday, April 20, 2019

News of the week (responses) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

News of the week (responses) - Assignment ExampleOn cover song of that I have also seen pile who are mentally ill because of marijuana. Although I like the focus where he says that comparing alcohol with marijuana is setting the bar too low. This is because I have seen people who alcohol has ruined their families completely and some of them have died. In continuative to this, marijuana should be considered as lethal as any poison.Opinion. For a long time the Taliban militia group have caused unbalance in Afghanistan. I believe the government is in the right leaveion, by trying to achieve an pick solution to the problem. Although, it is not good to encourage negations with militia group unless in extreme situations. In connection to this, it is important that a permanent solution be found to resolve the issue.Ahmed, Munir. Pakistani officials hold direct talks with Taliban. Chicago Sun Times March 26, 2014. Web. 31 March, 2014. Hamn, Trent. 4 Ways to Lower Your rest home Energy Bill This Spring March 25, 2014. Web. 31 March, 2014.

Friday, April 19, 2019

A Economics Commentary on Protectionism Assignment

A Economics translation on Protectionism - Assignment ExampleIncrease in tariffs growth the revenue for g overnment as it serves as a tax which is imposed whereas quotas may or may not increase the revenue for the government. However, there are also welfare impacts of the quota and tariffs also on the domestic economy which can indicate that the protectionism may not be good for the economy.The above diagram shows the impact of having quotas on the supply level and the prices and how the deception of quotas go forth create welfare loss for the consumers. The above graph indicates that the world supply is elastic in nature and is indicated by a horizontal line showing SH+Q. The line DH indicates the overall demand in the market and the interaction of supply and demand indicates the market clearing conditions at different price and amount of money levels.Recently, US has imposed higher tariff on the import of tires from China in a call down to protect the ailing tire industry o f the country which settlemented into the job losses for last five years. (Whoriskey and Kornblut). right off that tariff is imposed on the import of Chinese so that the production is voidd. As a result of this, the price level will move to Pw from Pw in local market for locally manufactured tires. As a result of the tariff imposition, the supply will reduce and the aggregate supply curve will shift leftward to SH. This reducing in the supply and the increase in prices will therefore result into the slump in the supply and the increase in prices therefore will not only result into the reduction of consumer surplus but will also result into the welfare loss. This is because the imposition of the tariff increases the domestic prices over and above the world prices thus making the domestic consumers more worse off owing to the increase in the prices.The imposition of tariffs on the import of Chinese tires will first disrupt the equation of raft balance between both the countries as USs import of tires from China will reduce as the imported

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Energy Use, Ethics, and Global Climate Change Term Paper

Energy Use, Ethics, and Global Climate Change - Term Paper ExampleNevertheless, the forbearance ordinate is not equal in all species, and thus, disclosure to environmental conditions at the maximum limit of a certain beings tolerance scope symbolizes environmental stress (Anil, 35). Environmental studies refer to the research and analyses made regarding environment, its degradation levels, and the appropriate ways to maintain or better its current status. This paper seeks to analyze the current power policies in all levels, and the mixed ways and effects of constructing and developing an appropriate lifestyle through the environment. The acquirement of climate change This refers to the study concerning the planets climate system, and how it has been undergoing various changes everyplace time. The earths climate structure has always been experiencing change. The universal climate change is the varying, in the long-term, of the climate outline that typifies the various parts of th e world (Anil, 56). Earths climate has forever been changing in regard to temperature, as proved by the great fluctuations in hotness. Since about 150000 years ago, the mean worldwide temperature dipped for or so 15000 years, and then started to augment stridently for close to 10000 years. After that, it dropped again, and then remained comparatively constant, though it act to alter by about 1 to 2 degrees. The mean temperature then dipped sharply well-nigh 80000 years ago, and then upped again, sub sequenced by an additional 35000 years of relatively steady temperature. Soon after, the temperature dropped increasingly till approximately 15000 years ago, then began to rise drastically, while only showing a secondary decline in the speed of increase in the precedent 2000 years. Though the pace of change lessen slightly throughout the past 5000 years, the universal average temperature is still rising (Joseph, 58). Nonetheless, temperature is not the lone climatic aspect that is cu rrently changing swiftly. The intentness of conservatory gases in the air has increased rapidly over the precedent two centuries, and this, in reality, the main reason behind the increase in the mean orbiculate temperature. The present come in of alteration in the level of carbon dioxide in the air is an issue that has increase much worry among scientists. Globally, the concentration of CO2 has amplified from just about 280 parts per million (0.028%) to about (0.0365%). dismantle though the swell may seem to be inconsequential, the increase implies that approximately 3 billion system of measurement tons of CO2 are injected to the ambience every year. Scientifically, this increase is in the region of about 30.4%. This body-build exhibits the extent of effect in progress. As CO2 soaks up heat, more CO2 being injected into the atmosphere implies that the globes temperature will tend to rise in concurrence with the increases in the level of concentration of CO2 in the air. Climat ologists energise noticed a minute but sturdy increase in the international average temperatures over the past years (Denis, 94). Given the current tempo of change, and the potential insinuations they could have on the present world, the world, through scientists, is justified in being alarmed about the particular rate of vary, instead of the said changes. The reason behind this is that changes on a trivial level would have a negligible effect.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Competitive Analysis and Competitive Strategy of Apple Doing Business Research Paper

Competitive Analysis and Competitive Strategy of Apple Doing Business in china - Research Paper ExampleThe slopped should devise ways to leverage the current strategies to make the firm to be more competitive than its rival firms are. However, the Apples weaknesses are the major ch tout ensembleenges that have apt(p) its competitors to perform well in the Chinese market. To deal with such a problem, the firm should implement novel strategies that would minimize or eliminate its weaknesses, thus improving competitiveness in the market.Apple Inc. is an American follow that designs and fabricates hardware for computers, programming software and other consumer gadgets. The organizations best-known hardware items are the Macintosh line of machines, the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad, with all the products having met the international standards and are significantly unique from other competitors products. Apple began in 1976 and has since created an exceptional notoriety in the consum er gadgets field. Nonala and Kenney (1991) highlighted that the individuals who use Apple hardware have a tendency to be excited about and safe(p) to the items while the individuals who do not use Apple items frequently scrutinize them as being overpriced. With the stretch of the iMac in 1998, Apple could put to rest some its past disappointments. The uncommon achievement of the iPod sets the stage for approaching items, including the best selling cell phone ever, the Apple iPhone, the MacBook line of convenient machines, and the Apple iPad proclaimed in 2010. As indicated by rankings of brands carried out universally, the estimation of Apples brand doubled to $76 billion in 2012 as compared to the preceding year. The organization is regularly expanding year by year and has set a high enter among organizations grade. Apple Inc targets both low-level clients and high-level clients by releasing by introducing diametric standard phones with different pricing in China. The commodit ies target people of all ages to maximize the profit margins of the firm. China is the second largest

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Woman Warrior Essay Example for Free

The charhood Warrior assayWomen of Chinese culture carry an innate characteristic of uselessness in a country that esteems but men. The men ar strong providers, carriers of family names, and maintainers of family ideals and honor. In a country where one child per family is the norm, the birth of a female is not met with glee, but more commonly remorse. Maxine Hong Kingston challenges these roles in her novel, The Woman Warrior. The condition shares fiver-spot tales of strong women from her cultural and familial hi invention. The title aptly describes the characters often-imagined lives.The first of the five women introduced is the authors make aunt. No-Name Woman, an un feeln relative of the past, relives her horrid tale in the chance variable of a enigmatic lesson told to little girls upon reaching puberty. Her uncelebrated life is used as a moral tale to stress fidelity to family and honor. No-Name charwoman bore a child bug out of wedlock and killed herself-imp ortance and the child for the disgrace brought to the family. The reader gets the soul of the womans inner stance by the description of her imagined livelihood as told by Kingston.No-Name Woman picks a chosen fate over the traditional Chinese role she is expected to play. The next morning, I found her and the baby plugging up the family well, (Kingston, 5). In choosing the family well, the suicide affects them all, highly symbolic of the disgrace, yet also physically tampering with their well-being at the same time. Although No-Name Woman encounters mostly shame and destruction of her disposition of self in that one moment when she chooses her heart over her forced duties, she becomes a warrior woman a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it, regardless of the heavy price of her shunning.Unlike No-Name Woman who exists regretting her decision, the tale of Fa Mu Lan follows an entirely different course. The story obviously depicts a warrior defying the typical female char acteristics in Chinese tales. Recently retold in a Disney depiction series, the role of Fa Mu Lan is well known to girls of all ethnicities today. Kingstons version, however, tells the tale from the present filtrate with the narrator often filling the position.Contrary to the stereotype, the family supports Fa Mu Lan as she goes of to battle the baron to save her family from his tyranny. We are going to carve revenge on your back, my father said, Well write out oaths and names, (Kingston, 34). Her parents readily judge the strength of Fa Mu Lan, sending her out to save them all. The warrior status is cemented when she beheads the evil baron and gives reign to a idyll who will care for the people. Men turn to her for guidance and protection. Her husband even cares for their young baby, getting it out of harms way, while Fa Mu Lan fights the Chinese Army.Brave Orchid, Kingstons mother, finds her warrior way in yet another far different way from the characters discussed thus far. T his story is one of educational gallantry and the devotion to a better way of life. Through the hardship of living husbandless in a savage climate, Brave Orchid lives through with(predicate) the deaths of her children, using the monies sent to her from America to improve herself.She decided to use the currency for becoming a doctor, (Kingston, 60). The braveness of her choice far outweighs the status of Brave Orchid as a jot hunter. In a time of defeat and anguish, she finds her own way. Although the mother appears obnoxious and cold throughout often of the story, it is in her history that the reader appreciates the bravery depicted in her name. lunation Orchid, the anti-thesis of many of the strong woman in the novel, comes across as weak and silly. In following the children around and marveling at the wonders she encounters in this bare-ass country, Moon Orchid is forced to stand up to her felonious husband and attempt some form of recognition from him. His direct dismissal destroys her sense of self and defeats her contentment.For a brief moment, the reader sees the strength of Moon Orchid in her easy acceptance of the truth. But he gives us everything anyway. What more do I have to ask for? If I see him face to face, what is there to say, (Kingston, 126)? She avoids the confrontation with her husband and solidifies her way of life. Her strength comes from her avoidance, as though her inner sense of self knew he had forsaken the family and her foresight to avoid him allowed her a sense of normalcy, something stripped from her in the end.The entire novel shows bits and pieces of the authors own sense of strength. She fits herself into each chapter through direct commentary and inferred presence. The reader sees the warrior side of Kingston in prevailing over the Chinese stereotypes and expectations of her more traditional mother. The reflections are often times told from hearsay and inference, yet each tale forms a foot for the author herself. In the final chapter, Kingston shares a personal telling of her life.The reader sees her nastiness as a child in her reaction to the silent girl, her blatant hatred for many of the things her mother has move to instill in her, and an honest questioning of the role of Chinese and American cultures in her life. I dont know any Chinese I can ask without getting myself scolded or teased, so Ive been looking in books, (Kingston, 204). The struggle for her between the two worlds was a difficult one. She becomes the warrior by having the strength to reflect on herself and her foundations, the women of her life.The tales of the five women, and many others throughout the novel, depict a deep sense of woman fighting for their ripe to be as they wish to be. Whether an unwed mother to the love of her life, the warrior queen to save all China, the educated liberator of her own children, the contended wife living in her chosen realm, or an accepted Chinese-American in an un-accepting world Kingston i llustrates the right of women to be whatever they want fighting for independence on the many fronts of societal norms.Works CitedKingston, Maxine Hong. The Warrior Woman. naked York, NY Random House, 1989.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Shades of Black Essay Example for Free

Shades of Black experiwork forcetShades of Black is an excerpt from Mary Mebanes first autobiographical volume. In it, Mebane writes about the diametric types of obscure and the depictions of them in society. More specifically, how women of color are viewed and do by. Views of murky muliebrity have changed since the civil rights movement. From the mid-fifties to the 1970s, the views of blacken beauty have changed from one of reverence to one of disgust. Many different problems and obstacles present themselves to woman of color. Mebane writes about the ways in which black black girls and legerityer sputter African American girls were treated and viewed.Mebane stated, by the twentieth century, really black flake off on a woman was considered ugly(Mebane 239). During the earlier 1900s, black woman were not really desired. At one point, they were though. Around the civil rights movement, black men considered black woman beautiful. As Mebane mentions, in that respect is n o definite date for the shift from beautiful to ugly, provided it is undeniable that a shift did occur. This shift from desired to no desire could be referred to as the black consciousness movement. Between the 1960s and the 1970s, darker skin woman were not looked at much.Instead, black men chased after lighter skin woman and woman of a different decent. Woman of a darker refining faced a new problem. They were already part of the minority, now they were placed even lower. Because of their color, darker women had difficulty decision partners as well as jobs. In order to be recognized, darker women had to either befriend a light skin beauty, or turn to sex. According to Mebane and others, sexual acts were the only advantage a black woman had in repelting ahead. Because they were no longer considered beautiful, black women were only good for sex.In regards to having a career, or even a job, black women actually had to have skill. Since they were not very appealing to the eye, dark er skin women had to be appealing on paper. Training was the only way in which a darker shade of African American woman could land a job. She had to be trained better than the lighter skin women in order to be hired. Sometimes, training was hard to pick up since they were not very wealthy. If darker skin women were able to receive training, they were not treated fairly because of their color. Therefore, black black women had to fight through in order to get enough training.African American woman faced a lot of problems in society during the twentieth century. Although they were once thought of as beautiful, for most of their lives their color took away from what they could have been capable of. Lighter skin African American women were not as burdened by their color as black black woman. Being educated, finding a partner, and landing a job were amongst some of the problems darker skinned women faced between the civil rights movement and the black consciousness movement. Again, there is no definite point of change, but there is no denying that there was a shift and unfortunately it wasnt a positive one.

Napoleon and the French Revolution Essay Example for Free

Napoleon and the French Revolution raiseSome of historys greatest rulers such as Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Frederick the Great, and Joseph II have been considered to be enlightened autocrat. atomic number 53 of these was also Napoleon Bona lineamente. They ways by which Napoleon has been considered to be a despot are through and through his economic policies, sacred and educational policies, and the principle Napoleon.The term enlightened despot has been used to describe umteen great rulers, but it might be misinterpreted. The word enlightened means to be influenced by the determine and ideas of the Enlightenment. Also, the word despot is defined as to exercise dictatorial authority. Considering the definitions of these two words, the term enlightened despot would be defined as a person who believes to be influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment and exercises authority equal to that of a dictator.Napoleon had many accomplishments through his economic policies, such as establishing the Bank of France and reorganizing and centralizing revenue collection. He also established the Continental System, which attempted to block England from continental trade. Napoleon also sit into effect the Berlin Decree in 1816, whichprohibited trade with England. In 1807, the Milan Decree was passed which stated that any air which traded or even been stopped by the British Navy was to be confiscated. French manufacturing was wholly unavailing to makeup for the loss of British goods. Soon afterwards, the French manufacturers and merchants began to resent the restrictions. Napoleon regarded his allies and conquered territories as a source for raw materials, conscripts, and a market for French goods. Eventually, Napoleons economic policies contributed to his fall.Religious and educational policies were also part of Napoleons accomplishments, which lead for him to be the greatest enlightened despot. One of the religious policies was the Concordat of 1801, wh ich gave the Catholic Church redundant status. The Concordat also gave power to the government to nominate bishops who then had the power to appoint the priests. One of Napoleons educational policies was the establishment of theLyces, which were state run elite secondary schools. The curriculum was to glorify Napoleon and teach obedience. He also founded the cole Polytechnique, which was an engineering school.The final way by, which Napoleon became a despot, is through his Code Napoleon. It codify and reconciled the customary law of northern France with Roman law of the South. The Code Napoleon also provided par of all before the law, religious freedom, and freedom of work, which reaffirmed the Le Chapelier law banning workers associations. A benefit of the Code Napoleon was that workers were non allowed to strike and were required to carry passports that could be checked by government officials or employers. Napoleon could be considered a sexist because theCode stated that a wom ans income would pass to her husbands family and not to hers. another(prenominal) thing was that women workers wages did not belong to them instead it belonged to their husband. Napoleon said, In France, women are considered too highly. They should not be regarded as equal to men. In reality they are nothing more than machines for producing children. This is an example of Napoleons secretion towards women, which also relates to him being an enlightened despot.Rulers such as Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Frederick the Great, and Joseph II have all been considered to be enlightened despots, but Napoleon Bonaparte is known to be the greatest enlightened despot until today. In a pattern similar to other despots, the people of France loved Napoleon at first, but liberal they began to hate him. The ways through which he became the greatest enlightened despot are economic policies, religious and education policies, and the Code Napoleon. Only time will be able to show us if at t hat place a greater enlightened despot than Napoleon Bonaparte.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Client-Server Networking Essay Example for Free

Client-Server Networking EssayWhat I move think of to return the computer to an operational state is troubling a word-painting problem. It maybe relating to the lifelike card and the program that may carry with it. The graphics adapter may either be devalued or installed wrong under a different version. For example if the graphic is supposed to be run on a x64 based window 7 instead of a x86 version. Making sure that your video card must have a display driver installed in order to do anything exclusively the most basic drawing to the screen. If youre having any problems with your video card, one of the first things you should do is download the modish display driver, uninstall the current display driver, and then install the new driver you downloaded. This could help with any other(a) problems that may have occurred. Another thing to remember is to uninstall your current display driver before initiation one. If you dont uninstall first then you can sometimes cause some p retty obscure problems. Another emf problem solver is to try another monitor that can handle the screen resolution.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Alcoholic Beverage Essay Example for Free

intoxicant Beverage EssayAn cloudburst beverageic beverageic beverage is a drink containing chemicals from the alcohol family. virtuallyly ethyl alcohol (ethanol, EtOH), other alcohols argon usually present only in small quantities, notably consumable t-Amyl alcohol (t-Amylol, t-AmOH) which is about 20X more potent than ethanol, and hazardous methanol with much weaker sedative effect than ethanol, thus are not prohibited by law or regulated by taxation in some if not all countries. However, alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes for taxation and regulation of toil beers, wines, and spirits (or distilled beverage). They are legally consumed in most countries, and over 100 countries have laws regulating their production, sale, and consumption.2 In particular, such laws specify the minimum age at which a person may legally vitiate or drink them. This minimum age varies between 16 and 25 years, depending upon the country and the type of drink. Most nations set it at 18 years of age.2In the human body, ethanol affects the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors and produces a downer (neurochemical inhibitory) effect. Ethanol is similar to other sedative-hypnotics such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines both in its effect on the GABAA receptor, although its pharmacologic profile is not identical. It has anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, and sedative actions similar to many other sedative-hypnotic drugs. Ethanol is also cross-tolerant with benzodiazepines and barbiturates.3 In fact, a synthetic alcohol based on benzodiazepines is currently developed by a team at Imperial College London, led by Professor David Nutt (chair of ISCD). The alcohol substitute give the drinker the set up of drunkenness without many of the risks of alcohol4 Accordingly to ISCD alcohol was the most harmful of all drugs considered, scoring 72%.Alcohol is the most available and widely abused substance and its chronic consumption causes neurobehavioral disor ders.5 A high-functioning alcoholic (HFA) is a form of alcoholism where the alcoholic is able to maintain their outside life such as jobs, academics, relationships, etc. all while drinking alcoholically.6 Under the DSMs new definition of Alcoholism about 37 percent of college students may meet the criteria. Doctors are hoping that this new definition of the term will help entrance severe cases of alcoholism early, instead of when the problem is full-blown.7 Alcoholism is a neurodegenerative disease which may lead to somatogenetic dependency that can be fatal in alcohol withdrawal syndrome due to its propensity to find withdrawal convulsions.The production and consumption of alcohol occurs in most cultures of the world, from hunter-gatherer peoples to nation-states.89 Alcoholic beverages are often an authorized part of social events in these cultures.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Chinese government Essay Example for Free

Chinese government EssayAi WeiWei blurred the lines between the aesthetic and the political. match to the internet, aesthetic is defined as concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. Ai WeiWei used machination to protest against the Chinese government. Ai Weiwei was a creative man who thought of ideas how to represent the works of only the children who were killed in a deadly e blindhquake. A commentator in the movie claimed that Ai WeiWei was doing a trade that the government should be doing. A deadly earthquake collapsed many buildings including homes and schools.Thousands of children were killed and were go away unrecognized. Ai WeiWei wasnt qualifying to let this go. He assembled a project, full of volunteers to help him search for the names of the children who were killed in the disaster. He displace every individual name on his wall. The project inspired him to create more pieces of art snuff it to revolt against the Chinese government. Ai WeiWei was a f earless man. Ai WeiWei was very involved with social media. He used twitter to share to the world how befog Chinas government was. He left China when he said Fuck You Mother Land. Cameras are sometimes forbidden in China. Ai WeiWei was assaulted by a police officer, but that did not stop him from taking pictures in front hail houses or of an officer who was at the scene when he was attacked. Ai WeiWei created a wall full of bottom packs to make other individuals aware of the children that died in the earthquake. During the 2nd anniversary, Ai WeiWei asked his followers to pick a name and record it on tape and share it to the world. Ai WeiWei was sharing his experience in China of the corrupt government with thousands of people around the world.Ai WeiWei made people aware of what was going on in China. Ai WeiWei became well-known through his work of art. He expressed his ideas through his work. Not only did his art make him well-known, Ai WeiWei captured many supporters to revolt against the corrupt system. Ai WeiWei was a man with no selfishness. He looked out for others and he was always looking and searching for ideas that would help him and his followers. Ai WeiWei was not afraid of the consequences, as long as he knew it was for the good.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Write about your reactions to the final part of Hamlet Essay Example for Free

Write slightly your reactions to the final p blind of juncture EssayAt the start of the tamper we see village returning to Denmark from university, as he has heard the news of his farther, Old- settlements death. He arrives home mayhap thinking that he sh every last(predicate) instantaneously take the place as the king of Denmark, only to discover that eyepatch he was away Claudius, his uncle and Gertrude, his mother bewilder been wed. Therefore Claudius, non juncture, takes the place as King of Denmark. When crossroads discovers this he becomes almost deranged, especi eachy when Old-Hamlet appears to him in a form of a ghost, revealing that Claudius killed Old-Hamlet. This knowledge forces him to tonus betrayed by all around him, such as the politicians that once supported his father and now disposition that alike respect to Claudius. He feels that he can not trust his mother or Ophelia, his girlfri force out. When locomotion actors arrive Hamlet decides to put on a play to draw Claudius out, by seeing if he would react to a play about a brother killing a king to steal the crown. Claudius rushes out when the play is acted, showing that he is responsible for the killing of old-Hamlet.Hamlet follows quickly behind him and is about to strike Claudius down when he hears him committing his acts to god. Hamlet decides not to kill him, as when old-Hamlet was killed he did not have to commit his sins to god, so he was stuck in purgatory, a place where what you have done is weighted up, in good and mischievousness to decide what will happen to them. Instead of killing Claudius he hence exit to his mother to tell her of what he has found, hearing a sound he turns and thrusts a sword into a curtain, thinking that it was Claudius, only to discover that it was Polonius, Ophelias father, whom then dies.Claudius decides to send Hamlet to England to be killed, only to have Hamlet foil his plan. Hamlet returns to respect while he has gone Ophelia has gone mad and has drowned her self, grief enamored he leaps into her grave. Laertes, Ophelias brother and Poloniuss son then challenges Hamlet to a affaire dhonneur which he Hamlet accepts. Laertes is then approached by Claudius who offers to fix the fight by poisoning his foils tip, Laertes grief stricken accepts this offer to revenge the twain deaths in his family.The Ending of Hamlet sees the deaths of Laertes, Claudius, Gertrude and most importantly Hamlet. We also witness a change in the character of Hamlet, as he is now thinking less and acting more. He even mocks Laertes grim be your foil Laertes, in my ignorance your skill shall like astar i th darkest night stick wild off indeed. In this stroke we as an audience feel the spectacular tension, as we know all the traps lay in front of Hamlet, the poisoned foil of Laertes, and the cold goblet of wine poured by Claudius.Yet you find your self thinking that perhaps Hamlet knows that something is going on when he asks These foil s have all a length This is to look out on the attention of the audience to the poison tip of Laertes foil, which within the duel is held of to prolong the dramatic tension. This is the same way Hamlets action is held of with his obsession with procrastinating about the action which is to be taken to revenge his fathers death. This scene is made more dramatic by the frequent use of trumpets and kettle drums.The use of melodic instruments in this way makes the environment appear more exciting. Hamlet tries to explain his actions of his recent self by asking give me your pardon sir, for I have done you wrong, but goes on to say it was not Hamlet, was his madness and also admits that his madness is poor Hamlets enemy. This excuse is not accepted by Laertes for in his hurt of honour I stand aloof the only reason he is going along with the duel is to keep his name ungored, and also to revenge his fathers and sisters deaths.The use of language is of a high-class because the word ungore d reminds us of the poisoned tip of the foil and what Laertes planes to do with it. Before the duel can start, Claudius plans to make merry to Hamlets better breath, this is ironic as Claudius has already planed to poison Hamlets goblet of wine with a pearl. Claudius refers to this as a union, which could refer to the way in which old-Hamlet and Hamlet argon to be killed, as old-Hamlet was also killed with poison that Claudius gave him.Claudius also performs this task to show the pile around him that he is supporting Hamlet, so he is not thought to be guilty of Hamlets death. after(prenominal) the king drinks to Hamlet there is another out burst of sound as the trumpets are blown, this is also to add to the already excited air travel to start the duel. This leaves the audience knowing more than the victim. The beside part of the text is split a series of short sentences, this is to create the speed of the duel and how the smirchs are awarded by touches.The style of writing i s used to build the dramatic tension between the two competitors. As you see Hamlet gaining the hits over Laertes, and with one hit left you start to think that Hamlet has discomfited Claudiuss plan, and even avoids the poisoned goblet on two accounts. Mean while Claudius shows in this scene that he is now completely taking the place of his brother, as he speaks aside to Gertrude our son shall win. This small sentence shows what a twisted man he really is, as the words our son show as Hamlet is his brothers son and Claudius is only his uncle.Furthermore this shows that he is comfortable that his plan to poison Hamlet will be successful. Claudius is and so shocked when Gertrude takes up Hamlets goblet to drink to him, Claudius then shouts to Gertrude, Gertrude do not drink. This line is plausibly by best line as it creates an atmosphere within the hall, as Claudius is pulled between saving his wife and not letting the hall of heap know that he has poisoned Hamlets goblet of Haml ets wine, but in the end he is out for himself, as he does not take the goblet away from Gertrude.At this same point I think Gertrude believes all the things that Hamlet has told her earlier in the play and feels so bad that she drinks the poison, in a way this makes up for the betrayal that she committed towards her family and also the memory of Old-Hamlet. Again Hamlet dare not drink from his goblet as he wants to finish the duel first. This saves him from the poisoned goblet, therefore he only has one problem before him and thats Laertes revenge. Before the third round is started Laertes strikes out violently and wounds Hamlet, therefore poisoning him, yet to do so is almost against his conscience.In the incense of the fight, as it is no long-run an honourable duel, the foils are swapped and Laertes tastes his own venom, he is justly killed by his own treachery. The Queen mean while is laid out on the floor with Claudius attending to her she then calls out the truth about the dr ink I am poisoned. At this point Hamlet knows that some treachery is around and he calls for all the doors to be locked and to seek it out. This again changes the mood of the hall and creates a room full of panic, as people are screaming and talking in worried voices.Laertes is the first to commit that he has wronged, Hamlet, thou art slain and that the treacherous instrument is in thy hand. Laertes also names who the blame should rest upon the King, the Kings to blame. At this point in the Branna film Hamlet troughs the foil at Claudius and wounds him. This causes another wave of panic to throng through with(predicate) the witnesses. Claudiuss last thought is for himself O yet defend me friends. This makes Hamlet angry and starts to make Claudius drink the poisoned goblet while saying all the sins Claudius has committed, incestuous, murderous, damned Dane.Again union is used to link Claudiuss death to Gertrudes, as he is united with her in death. This could also refer to the way b oth the brothers were killed with poison. The anger of Hamlet changes the atmosphere into a mute. Laertes then exchanges forgiveness with Hamlet, as Laertes dies. Hamlet is also feeling the poison within him as he admits to Horatio I am dead. He next turns to the rest of the witnesses in the hall this is a oft more kingly way to die thinking of his country and giving blessing to Fortinbras as the next king.When Fortinbras arrives there is once again a burst of sound, but this is not to stir excitement, it is more to command respect. When he enters he is met with the dead bodies of the royal family. When Hamlet is taken away he is carried like a soldier to the stage, as Fortinbras believes that Hamlet would have been a mighty king. I think this ending to Hamlet is a fitting ending to the play as it contains a lot of dramatic tension and a lot of action. This ending also contains a lot of honour with every thing that was wrong existence righted.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Food Preservation Essay Example for Free

Food Preservation EssayMen have preserved their victualss from ancient multiplication in order to keep the results of harvesting for winter months, for resale, for storage, and for transporting from sea to inland, overseas, or cross-country. To do so, they gener ally apply natures systems, which ar drying, parching and fermenting. Parching is the most inborn method, but for macrocosmy thousands of years, others have also been utilize. Direct fermentation of liquids, unremarkably by the introduction of yeast, has not only preserved liquids but also enhanced their quality, the same of feed applying to salting. Smoking has preserved, and sometimes improved both fish and meat. Hickory wood is generally used for the fires, and natural juices are contained by a slight coating of wood creosote. It was not until recently that the causes of rottenness were understood, these being the reactions of bacteria, molds, yeasts and micro-organisms. Some fermentation and molds are, of co urse, necessary in the production of food and wassail molds, for example, being used in cheese-making.But the real breakthrough in preservation against the causes of rottenness came, when it was learnt how to deal with the micro-organisms present in all foods and drinks, and which react chemically over a period to produce unpalatable or poisonous food or drink. There are three basic methods. Firstly, food may be preserved by cooling or freezing, to a very low temperature when long-term preservation is required.This was originally done by packing in a mixture of salt and ice today, rimy storage is big clientele and refrigeration is a highly-developed science. Dehydration may be bracketed with this method, as the principle involved is the same, viz. to suspend the operation of bacteria which requires normal temperatures for chemical reaction. This is why reconstituted eggs cannot against dehydrated, and melted ice-cream refrozen. The second method of destruction is by heat-process es, which destroy all the bacteria present in food and drink.This process is used before canning foods in hermetically-sealed containers, great care being taken not to allow the foods or drink s to become re-infested after cooling and before canning. The third method is to preserve by the add-on of chemicals, which control or destroy bacteria. This is merely a follow-up of the old systems of salting, smoking and candling. Eventually, the method of cold sterilization is expected to supersede most of the others this amounts to exposing the food-stuffs to ionizing radiation.Today more than mere food-preservation is sought by the consumer, and for this reason, processes are becoming more and more sophisticated. Quality, economy and convenience are sought by modern man especially modern woman convenience is important, the ready-cooked meal is popular, while, in Western, or Westernized communities, goods do not merchandise easily if they lack color, a good appearance, natural flavor, t he right texture, and are free from defects.

Soldiers and Policemen Essay Example for Free

Soldiers and Policemen EssaySoldiers and police officers both(prenominal) confirm an impact on the environment some them. Some the impacts do by these professions differ. In provoke of these differences, the amount of similarities between the devil is surprisingly large. Each job has the person serving their country, risking their lives for others. Each experience difficult decisions to make constantly while performing their duties. The differences between these two start to become evident when you take a closer look at them however. Soldiers atomic number 18 deployed worldwide, whereas police serve in a local manner. unheeding of the differences, both have a strong impact on the community they are serving in. An undeniable similarity shared by soldiers and policemen is that they are serving the country and keeping it safe. Regardless of the task, it is in some way benefitting the country. Brian Doyle, in The Knock, wrote about his friends job, A friend has two jobs in our town officer and soldier. In both, he is the guy who knocks on the room accesss to tell mothers and fathers, wives and husbands that their son or daughter, wife or husband is dead.This job is not the exciting, shoot-em-up version conjured in our minds. This is one of the more habiliment of professions a person can do. The impact made by Doyles friend is gigantic. Delivering devastating news program is an impossible task to do without crushing someone. With this news comes the impact that they have. The ripple effect is a sodding(a) example to explain how it affects the community. At the start the ripples are large, and the pain is fresh. Over time the ripples shrink in size, and the pain begins to scar over. Patriotism is another similarity between a soldier and police officer. In no way will someone willingly enroll into service without being patriotic. Risking your life on a country you do not love is not a part of human nature. respect goes along with patriotism. Due to the fact you represent these people represent their country their actions are rarely unfitting for a situation, gaining lots respect for this. Manners are also apparent from policemen and soldiers.When delivering painful news, hats are respectfully taken off. I remove my hat, make sure the person is sitting, and deliver the message (Doyle 108). In the close to caring manner Doyles friend knew he delivered the news. The example set when you see these soldiers and policemen in national is obvious. The way they are discriminated is as a respectful being. A difference between policemen and soldiers is the render they wear. Doyles quoting his friend who stated that, When I wear my Army ordered, people know immediately wherefore I am there (Doyle 109) The message when seeing a soldier at your door is much different than seeing a policeman. The way we have come to perceive soldiers are as bearers of distressing news. When at home and a soldier you dont recognize is at the door h e comes often to bring news of death.The lack of a soldier in uniform at an airport also impacts the people who are expecting to see their loved one. When seeing a soldier in uniform there is another feeling besides sadness that is often felt gratitude. Often times when soldiers at an airport come home, they will come home to the noise of hands coming together celebrating them and the sacrifices they made for each person of the country. Another difference between these two professions is the area that they cover. Soldiers are an international force. County lines are unable to hinder a soldier on a mission. Their differences are made all around the world, creating many different experiences for the people around them. Again the example of a ripple on the kitty may come into play. In the areas of war soldiers are at their busiest.A soldiers dexterity determines how they will impact their direct environment. Soldiers, as the one in Doyles book, will tell you that, It is a difficult job and wears you put through (Doyle 109). Being the change in the world is a burden that they have to bare. In continuance concerning the differences, Doyle has written, if I am a policeman, it could be anything (Doyle 109). The reasons of a policeman coming to your door can have a multitude of ways to change your outlook on them. Depending on how you perceive a policeman from the start is another way that will determine how you interact with them. When driving down the road and a police car is in view you will notice a enhance in the amount of brake lights you see.The impact on people around an officer is to influence them to be more lawful. Regarding the brake lights, it is because with the presence of a squad car they slowed to the proper speed. As a policeman you will stay busy helping to improve the environment. When asked about how busy Doyles friend is he stated, I still make more calls as a policeman (Doyle 109). Due to the fact that they are so restricted in their area they have jurisdiction over they are responsible for handling many more crimes.The versatility of an officer speaks volumes for the way they are able to be perceived as changing the surroundings. There is no doubt that police officers and soldiers impact the environments around themselves. Each has their own way of vent about their missions. In the end each profession has the same goal in mind to break-dance their surroundings and the people located in it. The men and women who perform these jobs are who let this country continue. Without them, we wouldnt be free to voice opinions and make the changes we can.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Ulysses S. Grant Essay Example for Free

Ulysses S. Grant EssayUlysses S. Grant, an army widely distributed and the eighteenth president of the United States of America is considered one of the greatest war strategists and generals in American history. His rise to fame was brought around by his successful exploits and exceptional multitude leadership serving as a Union General in the Civil War. Most notable of which are the deciding(prenominal) wins in the battle of Gettysburg in pop and the siege of Petersburg which eventually led to the Confederacys forswear. But while his contemporaries hold him to the highest regard as a military leader, the same could not be said about his presidency.Political leadership proved to be unsuitable for him, and while his dignity was said to be unquestionable, his presidency is severely criticized and condemned due to rampant corruption and perceived inadequacy. Grant was baptized Hiram Ulysses Grant in Point Pleasant, Ohio on April 27, 1822, the eldest in a brood of six. He cam e from a family which Grant (2002) proudly asserts as all-American My family is American, and has been for generations, in all its branches, direct and collateral (p. 12).His parents were Jesse Root Grant, a tannery and farmland owner, and Hannah Simpson Grant, a frontier woman (McFeely, 1981). Grants family relocated to Georgetown in 1823, where he started his chunk educationthis place was to be his home until his seventeenth year, before he goes off to watt Point. He attended the school of Richardson and Rand in Maysville, Kentucky, then the Presbyterian Academy, a private school in Ripley, Ohio. (Grant, 2002) Grant (2002) erect his childhood uneventful (p.17) and professed no inclination towards his studies. He did show exceptional equestrian skills and was noted for his diligence. With his skills, he was put in charge of doing any work that required proficiency with horsestilling land, hauling wood, ploughing and furrowing the land, etc. His lack of line of descent skills ( an issue which would later on figure significantly in his life) was evinced in one situation when the eight year-old Grant was given some money by his father to sully a colt, with the instruction of bargaining with the owner.Grant said to him Papa says I may offer you xx dollars for the colt, but if you wont take that, I am to offer twenty-two and a half, and if you wont take that, to give you twenty-five (Grant, 2002, p. 20). Needless to say, the owner got the colt full price. At age seventeen, he attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, and a registration mistake make by the appointing congressman omitted Hiram from his draw and added Simpson, his mothers maiden name. Grant, however, did not correct the mistake, and he has been known by that name ever since.Grant was an average student, graduating 21st in a class of 39 (McFeely, 1981). He did not care to have a career in the military (he wanted instead to teach) and saw his West Point appointment as just anoth er opportunity to travel, he said A military life had no charms for me, and I had not the faintest idea of staying in the army even if I should be graduated, which I did not expect (Grant, 2002, p. 26). afterwards graduation he was stationed in St. Louis, Missouri where he met and and act Julia Dent. They later married in 1848 (McFeely, 1981).During the outbreak of the Mexican War, grant fought his first battles under Generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott, where he took lot in important offensive missions. afterwards the war, he went back to St. Louis, Missouri to tend to his family and establish some(prenominal) business and farming ventures (Grant, 2002). However, even with the help from relatives and friends, his business endeavors failed (due in part to his less than adequate business skills) and he faced great financial difficulties (McFeely, 1981).Grant then moved back to work in Galena, Illinois when his father offered his a clerical position at his store (Grant, 20 02). When the south broke away from the Union, intercommunicate the start of the Civil War, Grant decided to fight under the Union banner. He gathered volunteers to capital of Illinois and enlisted his services to the government. As a colonel, he successfully took control of an unruly volunteer regiment and was promoted to brigadier general. He proved to be a great military leader and went on to lead numerous successful campaigns.His skill as a military strategist and tactician earned him the respect of his contemporaries and make him a household name. (McFeely, 1981) He fought on to lead the Union in a series of decisive victoriesbattles in Belmont, Fort Donelson, Fort Henryand became the commander of the Union army. When asked about his terms of accepting surrender, his reaction was no terms, except an unconditional and immediate surrender (McFeely, 1981, 135). This, as well as the unconditional surrender of more than 14,000 confederacy soldiers at Donelson earned him the nickn ame Unconditional Surrender Grant (McFeely, 1981, 135).He besides launched an exhaustive and grueling campaign to wear out and capture the Confederate forces. This culminated in the siege of Petersburg which labored General Robert E. Lee to flee and eventually surrender his army at Appomattox Court House (McFeely, 1981). After the war, he was nominated as the Republican candidate for the presidential elections and won, although he was reluctant to accept the post. After learning of his victory, he told his wife I am afraid I am elected (Goode, 1999, p. 18). He entered the White House at age 46, the youngest president in American history.He took part in many notable policies, especially those that aim to reduce national debt and re-establish public credit (Hesseltine, 1935). The reconstruction of southern states were too facilitated under his reign. However, corruption was so widespread in the administration that it overshadowed everythingit even came to be called as Grantism (Go ode, 1999), which was regarded by many unfair considering Grant himself didnt take part in the corruption (Skidmore, 2005). Grant was also criticized for his passivity and for his haphazard appointment of officials.Many, if not most of the people under him, even those he ordained were involved in numerous scandals and for exploiting the governments coffers (Hesseltine, 1935 and Goode, 1999). After his presidency, Grant was only relieved to leave the politicians lifeI certainly never had any taste for political life (Goode, 1999, p. 18) he confessed. He retired and lived a at rest life with his wife in New York, until he was diagnosed with throat cancer. He has completed written his Memoirs a few days after his death and it remains one of the most popular presidential autobiographies in history.When grant died in 1885, fire bells rang throughout the country, however, it was for Grant the soldier that they rang, not for Grant the president (Goode, 1999, p. 19).ReferencesGrant, U. S. (2002). face-to-face Memoirs of U. S. Grant. Boston WGBH Educational Foundation. Goode, S. (1999, July). Ulysses S. Grant The Unheroic Hero. World and I, 14, 16-19. Hesseltine, W. B. (1935). Ulysses S. Grant Politician. New York Dodd, Mead Company. McFeely, W. S. (1981). Grant A Biography. New York Norton. Skidmore, M. J. (2005). The giving medication of Ulysses S. Grant A Reconsideration. White House Studies, 5, 255-265.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Domestic Abuse Case Study

Domestic Abuse Case StudyAbuse screwing be outlined as to treat haywirefully or impairmentfully. There are different categories of debase that come been recognized and within our case study in that location appears to be two distinct forms of make fun, domestic crime and electric s giftr call out. These ordure be sub divided into frontiers of physical rib, emotional /psychological abuse, and non-organic failure to thrive. corporal abuse is the intentional inflicting of physical injury or harm or deliberately not preventing harm occurring.The minimum physical signs seen in our study to both Mrs Black and James are bruising with untrusting excuses for their appearance. Emotional abuse is the continual failure to meet basic emotional needs. Emotional development is skinny and well- being impaired. The emotional signs in our case study can be seen in James by his actions of being withdrawn and non-communicative. The conductal sign to abuse taking place to James is his ag gressive behaviour.The laconic border effects of physical abuse to James are bruising and pain. In the long term recurring injuries can result in secondary illness and complications, permanent scarring and disfigurement. His emotional effects in the short term are a fear of pornographics or others, withdrawal, poor relationship with his peers. The long term emotional effects for James could be low self esteem, depression, inability to form relationships.Abuse can arise for many reasons and there are a number of theoretical military positions which whitethorn be multipurpose in clarifying why the abuse has taken place. The Feminist perspective believes that gender and family roles gives approval to a culture of abuse. Consider the historical and stereotypical ideas of the family, with men, women and children having definite roles. With the men having power and control in the perspective of abuse. In James case he lives in a reconstituted family with the father figure being plet horic and a heavy drinker. From a psychological perspective, alcohol misuse can bring mental health puzzles which may increase aggression in the person and so James is more at take a chance from abuse by his step father. The family dysfunction surmise suggests that the family is not functioning due to family dynamics. The dysfunctioning family attempts to find substitute ways of coping. The relationship between the mother and James, involves a dependency of James on his mother. With other problems in James mothers life, this leads to increasing stress and the inability of his mother to cope and manage the situation within the relationship. The bail theory state that significant separations of a child from the carer in the early years can have an effect on their emotional development and can lead to psychological and social difficulties in later(prenominal) life. With the loss of both his father and his sisters father with whom he was close, may have contributed to his deterio ration of his behaviourIf a client begins to yield a disclosure of abuse it is important to ensure privacy and confidentiality. It is unavoidable to lay out that listening skills are employed and that I remain calm and receptive. I essential listen without open frame and make it clear that I am taking their disclosure seriously. I mustiness only call for questions of clarification if I am unclear as to what the unprotected adult is saying. It is important that I mark their courage in coming forward and tell them that they are not responsible for the abuse. I must let it be known to them what I pull up stakes do to help them and where possible get their swallow to assure my line manager. I must speak to my client in comfortable and quiet surroundings. I would ask my client to sit down where I shall use SOLER techniques to tending in communication. Using the SOLER theory I would use the five basic components used in communication. I would sit squarely on at the table turn ed towards one another. I would adopt an open posture. I would sit so that we have regular but varied eye contact and that my client could see my facial expressions and gestures to aid in communication. This would also let him know that I am involved in the situation. I would contestation forward slightly to convey to him that I am interested and committed to actively listen to him. This adhered to our organizations insurance on Confidentiality and the Data surety Act of 1998 allowing my client to voice his concerns without worry and protected his privacy. I would swear him that they are not responsible for the abuse. I must let it be known to him what I will do to help him and where possible get his consent to inform my line manager. It is important that I make an immediate record of what the vulnerable adult has said, using only their own words. This should be recorded in the Incident Book, clearly, accurately and legibly, and then account to the Line Manager who is responsibl e for any further action.As we do not supply a care service, we are not required to register with the make out Commission, but we ensure all our policies and procedures meet their standards. As all clients under these standards are legally allowed an personalised care plan, we instead have an activity plan. The policy and procedures on abuse of our organisation are underpinned by the National cathexis Standards which were set up under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. This Act came rough to regulate the care and social work force and set out the principals of good care practice. The Care Commission was set up under this Act to register, regulate and inspect all care run listed in the Act. It also established The Scottish social emoluments Council (SSSC). (ref1)The SSSC has aims and objectives to protect the service users, raise standards, tone and support workforce professionalism. An example of the computer code of practice on abuse, of the SSSC is to protect the r ights and promote the interests of the service users and carers. undertake to establish and maintain trust and confidence of service users and carers. Promote the independence of service users while protect them as far as possible from danger or harm. Respect the rights of service users and ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or others. The policy for protecting vulnerable mint within our organisation is achieved finished the careful selection, screening, training and supervision of staff and volunteers. Under The Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 a code of good practice for vulnerable adults within our organisation has been developed which expects staff or volunteers suspecting or have had abuse disclosed must immediately report the concerns to their line manager and write up an contingency report. The line manager will discuss the concerns with the person reporting the abuse she will clarify the concerns and beat all known relevant informati on. This will then be forwarded to the appropriate local Social locomote Department stating that it concerns vulnerable adult protection. In the absence of a line manager the concerns should be reported directly to the local Social work department and then inform the line manager as soon as possible. The social work department after investigation may have to inform the police to investigate further.(ref2) the primary role of Registered Social actors is the protection and advancement of the welfare of children, vulnerable adults and the promotion of the welfare of communities in accordance with the Scottish Social Services Councils Code of Practice for Social Service Workers. (ref3)The social work department will work with the police to carry out joint enquires if necessary and organise case reviews and protection conferences. The police will keep base hit from harm the individual who has been subjected to abuse and may call for a medical examination. They will examine and collect evidence, interview suspects, identify offenders and coif cases for prosecution. The GP or hospital Doctor maybe involved giving medical evidence of abuse and treating the individual.Under our code of good practice in preventing abuse it is important that I avoid unobserved situations of one -to-one contact with a vulnerable adult. I must never invite a vulnerable adult to my home I must never offer to take a vulnerable adult alone in my own vehicle, if it is necessary to do things of a personal nature e.g. toileting, I must have the consent and knowledge of the carers and my line manager, before doing any of the above. I must not pursue or allow any intimately provocative games involving or observed by vulnerable adults. I must never make or allow suggestive remarks or discrimatory comments to be made to a vulnerable adult. I must not engage in or tolerate bullying, or contradictory physical behaviour. I must respect all vulnerable adults regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability or sexual identity. I must avoid favouritism and singling out troublemakers. I must never trivialise abuse and never let allegations of abuse go unreported, including any made against myself. The policy and procedures of our organisation adhere to the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Act (Scotland) 2007 by ensuring as a way of vetting and barring every volunteer and employee has undergone a Disclosure which shows any convictions. If any convictions suggest that abuse of our clients is a possibility then they would not be allowed to volunteer or be employed.Sources of support for workers in the field of preventing abuse can be provided by statutory, voluntary, and private or independent organisations. Statutory services have a distinct concern place down by legislation e.g. social services and NHS. The voluntary sector is run on a non profit making basis and have arisen through a recognised need and reflect auberges feelings. E.g. Advocacy, Mencap. Private organisations m ake a profit but I am not sensible of any private local organisation that supports vulnerable adults suffering abuse. Support can consist of Casework, by operative on a one to one basis, by counselling again one to one, and by group work bring people together with shared issues to resolve problems together.(Ref4) Cultural values piece of cake a part in defining what is considered abusive conduct .What we in the UK consider abuse may not be considered abuse in another culture. For example, domestic abuse has only recently pay off abhorrent in the UK. As up until the 1970s/80s, domestic abuse was considered a marital problem and to be accepted, but today we have little tolerance for domestic abuse. But, today, ethnic minority women motionlessness run the risk of long periods of abuse and find it difficult to report, families expect women to put up with it, as ethnic women are considered their husbands property. Honour killings are not unknown amongst ethnic minorities using relig ious text as justification. (Ref5)Female circumcision is another culturally accepted form of abuse, still practised in 28 countries in Africa. It is seen to control female sexuality and sex outside marriage. This is done to girls age range from 4 to 12. It normally takes place in un- hygienic conditions with potentially fatal consequences.Sometimes, workers may have trouble accepting the motives of people who are involved in abuse. There may be the need to ask why and how can they have abused? Where they just bad or mad? Perhaps the workers values and beliefs make working with an abuser distasteful. However, a professional approach to working with an abuser must be taken. For those who work with abusers there is a need to understand why people abuse.Abusive behaviour can sometimes be the result of mental health problems, empathy deficit, brain damage or being abused themselves. By decent the abuser they believe they are taking control, some even believe that they are not doing anyt hing wrong and cannot stop themselves. When working with individuals who have abused it is important to be aware that they may go on to abuse again and as well as trying to treat the underlying cause for abuse their is a need to protect the community from the abuser. So, the use of risk assessments are important to keep safe when working with an abuser. ( Ref7) It is important to be able to understand probable risks and take appropriate action to nullify them. Effective communication and personal skills are useful to understand and reduce potential conflicts. Reflection on my own values and how they may affect my practice and awareness and understanding of the abusers cultural values and ambit is required to ensure awareness and intervention is employed when required.References.SSSC. (2009). Codes of Practice. Available http//www.arcuk.org.uk/silo/files/791.pdf. Last accessed 09/02/2010.Stephen Smellie. (2005). Role of the Social Worker Protection of Title. Available http//www.uni son-scotland.org.uk/response/swrole2.html. Last accessed 09/02/2010Elizabeth Bingham +. (2009). Protection including safeguarding and management of risk.. In HNC in Social Care. Edinburgh Heinemann. 229.bloody shame Barnish. (2004). Domestic Violence A Literature Review. Available http//www.domestic-violence-and-abuse.co.uk/information/Cultural-Differences-in-the-UK.php. Last accessed 13/02/2010.Frances A. Althaus . (1997). Female Circumcision ritual of Passage or Violation of Rights? Available http//www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/2313097.html. Last accessed 13/02/2010.Kathryn Patricelli. (2005). Why do people abuse?. Available http//www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=docid=8482. Last accessed 13/02/2010.Elizabeth Bingham +. (2009). Issues involved in protection from abuse. In HNC in Social Care. Edinburgh Heinemann. 217.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Pneumatic Auto Gear Changer Project

Pneumatic Auto Gear Changer Project(a) Introduction1.1 This c beer incident is based on my design and fabrication device carried out during the penultimate year of my bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering at Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering (Anna University Affiliated)-Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu state, India. Established in 2001, it is a self-financed and one of the ruff locomotive engineering science institutes in Tamil Nadu. The run into was completed over a period of 3 months from celestial latitude 2012 to March, 2013.(b) Background1.2 The project on Pneumatic Auto Gear Changer was carried out in rove to understand and implement theories in gear change application. Its purpose was to analyze the sundry(a) steps confused and to provide recommendations for a legitimate world use of this technology. I carried out this project as a part of a group of four people. In this project, a push button was used to stemma out/deactivate a solenoid valve and at the time of ge ar changing, the switch was triggered and the solenoid valve was activated. This in turn causes the cockeyed var. to go through and through the pneumatic cylinder. The compressed air pushes the pneumatic cylinder as it passes through a tube and henceforth changes the gear from one speed to the other with the help of a gear quoin arrangement.1.3 The automatic gear changing structure is relatively useful in low exist automation in all automobiles. Pneumatic carcasss work at higher speeds and the manpower requirement is reduced due(p) to this project. The design and the implementation of this project in the real world application was made and a minute paper was submitted.This project work was supervised under Mr. Manoj Kumar, the associate professor in the department of automatic engineering at Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering. As it was an open ended project, I had to look up through several(prenominal) online journals, document reviews and also took guidance from the hea d of the department on various projects and ideas. The project time was quite a limited and had to be come up with a proper design plan before the material start of the project. This proved to be quite a challenging task as this was the first real world project in my c beer. However, I was completely aware of the fact that, these would be the kind of challenges and problems I would face in real life as a professional engineer.Some of the duties I was voluminous in during the course of this project were as followsI carried out an extensive study on various materials relating to the pneumatic systems.Since, there was no specific consensus on the selection of compressors, I had to select the one that better suited the requirements of the project while considering all the technical aspects.I also dealt with the equipment suppliers on behalf of my team to corrupt the necessary materials needed for the project.I attended meetings with my supervisor to discuss individual observation a nd the progress of the project.I presented this project to the department faculties and also completed an extensive project report.(c) Personal Engineering ActivityAs a first step of the project, I explained my thoughts on doing this project to my supervisor. I carried out my research regarding the project and presented him the importance of the project before carrying out the project. The present scenario gear qualifier plays a vital post in automobiles. Manual transmissions have become uncommon in many cases of cars sold across Australia, northwestward America and some parts of Asia. However, they remain dominant in parts of Europe and other develop countries. Hence, I did an depth psychology on the present day vehicles equipped with automatic transmission option and those that are not and further highlighted the importance of the project in the present and future of automobiles as well as in certain machineries.After deciding on the project, I carried out numerous literature reviews in order to come up with an appropriate design plan and to acquire the necessary equipment needed for the project. However, the articles and literature published on the topic was quite limited and were available for only specific cases. As my project was regarding the project pneumatic gear changer, I did my extensive research on the pneumatic side of the project. Furthermore, I reviewed the advantages of pneumatic system and discussed with my supervisor for the usability in the project. Pneumatic system and was best considered due to its following reasonsThe pneumatic system power output could be easily controlledOver loading does not affect the pneumatic systemsThe pneumatic system could be used at varying working temperaturesTransportation of air through pipelines over long distances can be easily done with pneumatics in place.Pneumatics enables high working speedsIt is a system which requires minimal upkeep.In this project, I used a reciprocating compressor as the key c omponent for the give of compressed air. I selected the appropriate equipment for the project after evaluating the suitability of information acquired from several sources. A compressor is an putz that sucks in air and gas at an optimum pressure and deliverers the air back at a higher pressure as the output. It was very important for my project to select the appropriate compressor as pneumatic systems operate primarily on the supply of both compressed air and pressure into the system. Moreover, I had to illuminate sure, clean conditions were maintained during the phase of the project as warm and moist air could result in precipitation of condense from the compressed air. The following is the schematic diagram of pneumatic auto gear changer used in this project.Figure 1 Schematic diagram of pneumatic auto gear changerI also considered an important element for this project which was the push button. The push button switch was indomitable near the driving seat of the vehicle. Besid es this, I had set up an air tank with full filled compressed air in it. Prior to gear changing, the solenoid valve was activated by triggering the switch. The compressed air streamed from the air tank to the pneumatic cylinder as the solenoid valve was open. Likewise, at the time of compressed air gate into the cylinder, the pneumatic cylinder moved forward and the gear box liver moved along mechanically from one position to the next. The gear box liver was further activated which allowed the vehicle running at different speeds. I have highlighted the advantages of this type to my supervisor and was duly approved and appreciated by him. They are as followsIt required simple maintenance caresA safe system for the automobile.Easy to Handle.Low cost automation projectRepairing was easy.Easy replacement.However, some of the disadvantages of this type were as followsInitial cost was high.The system was a complicated one.During the course of this project, I used a control valve to contr ol the flow direction deep down the system. I also used a 3/2 single acting solenoid valve, having one inlet, offspring and an exhaust port. The air entered the pneumatic single acting solenoid valve once the push button was activated. Moreover, I introduced a pneumatic shifter to the whole design as it works through compressed air power. So once the gear changing signals were received, the pneumatic shifter opens or closes the magnetic valve assembly. The compressed air flows into the system once these valves are open, or thrusts it out thereby creating the effect of shifting gear mechanism. More compressed air into the system allowed the gear to be shifted up and the gear shifted down as the air was let. Furthermore, I used an on-board tank to get this compressed air to the cylinder even though I knew re-routing the engine exhaust could be a possibility and be economically viable however, it would result in bring low performance as most of the oxygen present in the exhaust gas would already be burnt.Figure 2 Schematic of a 3/2 single acting solenoid valveAfter the analysis on various aspects of this project, I discussed my project outcomes and my results. Putting all the information to use, I wrote the final report titled Pneumatic Auto Gear Changer and presented this to my department professors and to the head of the department.(d) SummaryThis project presented me with the luck to understand the applications of theoretical knowledge that I had acquired in class rooms to implement in a real world project. Discussions during the project with the supervisor provided great insight to challenges presented throughout the project. The challenges uncovered were resolved by use of appropriate technical skills. This project also helped me understand the working and execution of any engineering project and served as a stepping stone to the real world. Overall, I am very happy that I could contribute myself effectively to this project at its various stages and also helped to secure the highest possible grade for this project.