
Saturday, April 20, 2019

News of the week (responses) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

News of the week (responses) - Assignment ExampleOn cover song of that I have also seen pile who are mentally ill because of marijuana. Although I like the focus where he says that comparing alcohol with marijuana is setting the bar too low. This is because I have seen people who alcohol has ruined their families completely and some of them have died. In continuative to this, marijuana should be considered as lethal as any poison.Opinion. For a long time the Taliban militia group have caused unbalance in Afghanistan. I believe the government is in the right leaveion, by trying to achieve an pick solution to the problem. Although, it is not good to encourage negations with militia group unless in extreme situations. In connection to this, it is important that a permanent solution be found to resolve the issue.Ahmed, Munir. Pakistani officials hold direct talks with Taliban. Chicago Sun Times March 26, 2014. Web. 31 March, 2014. Hamn, Trent. 4 Ways to Lower Your rest home Energy Bill This Spring March 25, 2014. Web. 31 March, 2014.

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