
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Chinese government Essay Example for Free

Chinese government EssayAi WeiWei blurred the lines between the aesthetic and the political. match to the internet, aesthetic is defined as concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. Ai WeiWei used machination to protest against the Chinese government. Ai Weiwei was a creative man who thought of ideas how to represent the works of only the children who were killed in a deadly e blindhquake. A commentator in the movie claimed that Ai WeiWei was doing a trade that the government should be doing. A deadly earthquake collapsed many buildings including homes and schools.Thousands of children were killed and were go away unrecognized. Ai WeiWei wasnt qualifying to let this go. He assembled a project, full of volunteers to help him search for the names of the children who were killed in the disaster. He displace every individual name on his wall. The project inspired him to create more pieces of art snuff it to revolt against the Chinese government. Ai WeiWei was a f earless man. Ai WeiWei was very involved with social media. He used twitter to share to the world how befog Chinas government was. He left China when he said Fuck You Mother Land. Cameras are sometimes forbidden in China. Ai WeiWei was assaulted by a police officer, but that did not stop him from taking pictures in front hail houses or of an officer who was at the scene when he was attacked. Ai WeiWei created a wall full of bottom packs to make other individuals aware of the children that died in the earthquake. During the 2nd anniversary, Ai WeiWei asked his followers to pick a name and record it on tape and share it to the world. Ai WeiWei was sharing his experience in China of the corrupt government with thousands of people around the world.Ai WeiWei made people aware of what was going on in China. Ai WeiWei became well-known through his work of art. He expressed his ideas through his work. Not only did his art make him well-known, Ai WeiWei captured many supporters to revolt against the corrupt system. Ai WeiWei was a man with no selfishness. He looked out for others and he was always looking and searching for ideas that would help him and his followers. Ai WeiWei was not afraid of the consequences, as long as he knew it was for the good.

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