
Monday, April 22, 2019

Construction law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Construction law - experiment ExampleTherefore, Anglo synergy Solution is committed at conscripting conceptualize ideal procurement process that leave alone be incomparable and acceptable to all.In the Mzansi Rail Shuttle project, the major stakeholders are Sandline Ventures with which has committed an coronation of USD 120 billion, South African government and AUM Ventures. Sandline Ventures, the South African government and AUM Ventures expect a clear on their investments. Hence, they must obtain the best procurement deal that will guarantee them high returns.Anglo Synergy Solution recommends that the Mzansi Rail Shuttle project should be procured by first ensuring that the authentic and fair competitions hold up in responded to Prior Information Notice (PIN). Section 26(4A) of the railway Act, 1993, stipulate that advertisement should be do in both in the country and in the international journal, trade newspapers and other publication as this will eliminate political biases hence uplifting competency to handle the project (Crocker et al., 2010). It is very pregnant to open-up communal procurement market as this will promoteEqual treatment- contracting authority must handle both potential and authentic tenderers fairly without prejudice. Contracting authority when stipulating requirement must parry brand names which would eliminate particular providers, function and products.Transparency- advertising Prior Information Notice is telephone exchange in establishing and encouraging transparency (Ldre et al., 2006). It creates awareness of the condition for participation, selection criteria and the reason why some individuals were companies were non selected.Anglo Synergy Solution recommends AUM and Sandaline companies sponsoring the project to adjust the time restriction as time is an essential factor. railway line construction law does not specify duration for the accomplishment of the work by the contractors. The provision of services by contract is guided by

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