
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Louisiana Purchase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

lanthanum Purchase - analyze ExampleWith the power of France and Napoleon Bonaparte continually rising, Spain signed with France into the Treaty of San Ildefonso which included ceding lanthanum back to France. President Thomas Jefferson grew wary of protecting the interests in sensitive Orleans and the Mississippi as the previous treaty with Spain is in the brink of being revoked. He actively sought to obtain New Orleans and authorized $10 million for its purchase. Luckily, Napoleons interest in the Americas was thwarted and he settled his eyes on Europe. Bonaparte sent Talleyrand and Barbe-Marbois who negotiated with Robert Livingston and James Monroe in 1803 for the purchase of the entire Louisiana for $15 million (The Museum Gazette).This was an important milestone in United States history and highlighted the presidency of Jefferson. Louisiana duplicate the size of the United States literally overnight, without a war or the loss of a single American life, and set a precedent for the purchase of territory (The Museum Gazette). This became a precedent for the possibility of acquiring territories non only within the continent but including the Pacific. The purchase had oppositions, mainly coming from New England Federalists who felt they were losing grips of their exercise because of the expansion. Nevertheless, it was considered as one of the greatest bargains in real estate considering the vastness and size of Louisiana in proportion to its purchase value (Sage

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