
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Is Realism realistic as an approach to understanding contemporary Essay

Is Realism realistic as an approach to understanding contemporary global regime - Essay ExampleNeo- naturalism ideologies however suggest that the states may non be entirely in enclose as there is a layer above the states which may be dominating in name of defining the overall appearance of states at the global level. neo-realism so differs quite significantly from the realism as it views the states and the overall global political order as a system based upon complex relationships. As per the system thinking, states may not be entirely in charge of determining their own behavior and moves.Though realism may seem a realistic approach suppositionally but it may not be entirely a realistic approach in terms of implementing the same. Issues such as globalization, changing economic preferences, dominance of terrorist and other pressure groups as well as the influence of super powers may be some of the key issues which may not allow farmings to actually design and fall apart s trategies based on their own self interest.The first part of the essay will discuss the theoretical background about the realism and neo-realism whereas in the second part of this essay, it will be argued as to whether the realism remains one of the realistic approaches to deal with the issues of contemporary global politics. Realism A General foundation garment Realism is one of the most important concepts with wide ranging applications both in outside(a) relations and politics. governmental realism outlines that subject interests are always above any other chaste obligations. Realism therefore outlines the need for nation-state and suggests that nation-states are motivated by the national interests of the states and these interests are often disguised in the moral concerns for the nation-states. Realism is an opposite of liberalism which advocates the use of cooperation in the international relations. Realists however, on the other hand believe that the whiz actors in inter national arena are the states themselves which decide based on their own interests and other considerations. on that point is therefore an inherent dichotomy within realism which outlines that the politics at the domestic level mustiness be governed by the rule of law and ethics however, at the international level it must not be engaged into any ethical considerations and therefore should only focus on its self-interests while dealings at the global level. (Harrison, 2002) It is also however, important to note that the classical realism does not actually shut up the ethics entirely within international politics. As such realism therefore is not entirely based upon the Machiavellian notion of everything is fair in the interest of the state. Realism is also not disposed(p) towards any conflict or War Between the States however, it only points out to the assumption that the international relationships mingled with the states should be based upon securing the interests of the stat e first. However, the ability to secure the interests of the State first largely depends upon the ability of the State to have power both in terms of economic as well as military. If the State cannot have sufficient economic and military power, it is unlikely to secure or safeguard its interests in the international politics. It is therefore important to understand that realism or classical realism as it is often referred to gives preferences to national interest

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