
Friday, May 3, 2019

Chronic and Complex Nursing Care Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Chronic and abstruse Nursing Care - Case Study ExampleThe distribution of SSc is worldwide affecting all races. The prevalence of scleroderma has been estimated to be between 4 and 253 cases per million persons. Its susceptibility is influenced by factors such as sex, age, environmental exposure and genetic background. Family members may be affected by other connective tissue diseases means that a genetic factor might be an important factor in the expression of the disease. The upside incidence is normally within the third and fifth decade of life. The ratio of male to female is or so 51 while annual incidence being 14.1 cases per million. The highest prevalence of SSc has been found to be in Choctaw Native Americans in Oklahoma (Vlachoyiannopoulos, 2009).This is done using long-acting channel blockers and angiotensin II sense organ blockers. Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors are mostly used in the treatment of secondary Reynaud phenomenon. An oral endothelin-1 receptor inhibitor c an be useful to the patients having recurrent ischemic ulcers (Eisenberg M.E. et al. (2008)).Patients with systemic sclerosis are advised to regularly check their demarcation pressure at home. ACE inhibitors are used to control hypertension since they are essential in preserving and restoring of the renal function (Eisenberg M.E. et al. (2008)).Therapies are essential in the control of gastrointestinal symptoms while preventing GERD complications. Patients with SSc and gastric antral vascular ectasia normally require coagulation of the endoscopic laser to reduce the bleeding risks. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is normally diagnosed during the laparotomy time while bacterial overgrowth is treated with antibiotics.

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